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Showing posts from 2016

TRUMP WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONALD TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you think IQ is relevant to race?

Best speech ever made about the Clintons.



Hillary Clinton will lose the election if this video goes viral!


Mexico Closes its borders in panic

Check out this video! It's worth watching!

Silver set to go higher?

Is this guy for real? You be the judge.

Porter Stansberry Scam and Dr. Ron Paul bought into it!

I have to say with disappointment that one of my most admire and trusted political figure has betrayed his followers, Dr. Ron Paul. Recently I saw an ad on youtube claiming his dire warning for United States of America. In this video he goes on and on about how dire the economy is and of course towards the end Voila! Porter Stansberry scam! He has finally sold us out to Porter Stansberry! One of the biggest con artists in the doom and gloom community. Porter Stansberry has been profiting off of the prepper community for many years! You don't have to take my word for it, do your own research! It's a shame that Dr. Paul has gone to the dark side.

Hillary Clinton's new political tactics

Hillary Clinton is not fooling anyone with her new campaign tactics, she's using "UFO Disclosure". Like she cares anything about truth or anyone for that matter. Face it, she has two agenda as to why she's saying these things: 1) She understands that the American people value truth, so she's using this angle to appeal to Americans 2) This will make her look honest, so as a result it will also help with her many scandals in particular her email scandals.

Ted Cruz is Ineligible to be US president!

I don't know why there aren't enough people out there to raise the very question about Ted Cruz's eligibility to be US president. Ted Cruz is Canadian Cuban natural born and Per US constitution you need to be : The Constitution imposes three eligibility requirements on the Presidency—based on the officeholder's age, residency, and citizenship—that must be satisfied at the time of taking office. By virtue of the Twelfth Amendment, the qualifications for Vice President are the same. The Framers established these qualifications in order to increase the chances of electing a person of patriotism, judgment, and civic virtue. First, Presidents must be thirty-five years of age or older. In contrast, Senators must be at least thirty years old, and Representatives no less than twenty-five years old. As Justice Joseph Story has noted, the "character and talent" of a man in the middle age of life is "fully developed," and he has had the opportunity "for ...


Flat earth? Really???? Recently I discovered this phenomenon on youtube called "flat earth" that is just absolutely absurd! I mean, I believe that we haven't been told the truth and that we have been conditioned to believe certain things but flat earth??? I believe they fabricated this absurdity purely have entertainment and views, nothing they say has any backing or makes any sense. I've posted the video and I'll let you decided.

What's all this non-sense?

What is all the non-sense with all the illegal immigrants (Mexicans) coming in America in hordes and the government isn't doing anything about it? What is this open border policy? What do Americans have to gain from all of this non-sense? The bottom line is, the American government has long ago been infiltrated by special interest groups! This is the reason why the common legal citizens of United States of Corporation never had a choice! It's time to take America back! Vote for Donald J. Trump! You know something is wrong when you drive down the road at a stop light and you look to the left, right and behind and you realized you've been surrounded by Mexicans! Now, I don't say this to be racist but if you think about the founding of this country is based on diversity (melting pot), but this is anything but diversity! Wake up America! Mexicans have a plan to silently take over America! This is no joke! Vote for TRUMP and take back America!

Example of a silver/gold pumping video

This is the type of video that people put out to pump up precious metal...when you see a video like the opposite!  You've been warned!

Pros and Cons owning physical precious metal

Pros: 1. You can hold the physical metal in your hand. 2. It will never go to zero. Cons: 1. Liquidity, unlike the paper market that you can just click a button to sell, with physical metal you will have to find a buyer.  Depending on how desperate you want to sell, typically the quickest way is to sell to coin shops.  Problem with selling to coin shops is they typically offer you below the spot price and if you are lucky you might get the spot.  The alternative will take much longer, example , if you sell to APMEX there's a lengthy process you have to go through before you get your check or your funds deposited to your account.

Silver and Gold price going up?

As I am positing this , the price of precious metal is on a hike. Gold $1,264.10  $1,266.10 $34.60  Silver $15.95  $16.05 $0.79  Platinum $975.50  $985.50 $26.80  Palladium $591.00  $596.00 $17.50 Are precious metal really going up in price? I doubt it. One thing I've noticed about metal prices or stock market for that matter, it has the tendency to move upwards nearing end of the week.  Why is this happening?  My theory on this is they are trying to cause false optimism so when the market closes on Friday will leave bunch of sheeples wanting to invest.  And typically what follows on Monday is a crash or clean house, they do this repeatedly and once in a while they will pull a reversal just to confuse you. So Ladies and Gentlemen, key points to take away here: 1. Market is rigged (I am sure you know this already if you are following this blog) 2. physical /paper market is no different, with the exception that by owning physical i...

Worry about your own economy!

As the title said "worry about your own economy!"  What do I mean by that you might wonder?  Well, I am referring to the mass distraction of mainstream and alternative media focusing on economic collapse.  Most people that follows too closely to either sources tends to forget about themselves, they buy into the fear mongering of media. How can this be harmful? Well, for example, lets pretend someone just found out that the stock market is going collapse and hearing that there will be heavy loss of jobs all over.  Typically what happens in this situation is: 1. The person will freak out and be sucked into the media on daily basis and lose focus. 2. Start buying survival gears and long term storage foods that taste like vomit. 3. Start buying guns. 4. Start buying silver/gold. Now,  I am not saying that it's bad to have or do any of those things list above but there are people out there that would go overboard with this stuff.  You have to learn to q...

My List of Suspected Con-mans on Youtube

Here's a list I've compiled about potential con-man that you might see on youtube: 1) Jsnip4 aka Joe 2) Max Keiser at keiser report. 3) Alex Jones 4) sgtbull07 These are some of the ones I can think of at the moment, I will add more to the list as I remember or find more.   These people on the list will preach end of the world till end of the world so beware of what you watch/hear.  These people all follow the same format, they will preach doom and gloom and then somehow sneak items to buy in the video, (never fails) One thing I've learned in life is : "nothing is free" These people aren't there to help you, they are there to sell you a product. To prevent scams, you always need to ask "one" fundamental question.  What is this person's motive? By asking this question will usually lead to your answer and will help you filter out "real" or "fake" Another way to tell is to check their...

Why I wouldn't buy into bitcoins?

There's been a lot of hypes about bitcoins lately and personally I don't think it's for me and I will explain why. The first time I heard about bitcoin, it was intriguing but the first thing that popped in my mind was : 1) How can anything digital be worth anything at all? 2) Why would merchants or anybody take bitcoins as payments when the prices is so volatile? (It can go from $200 to $50, so if you sold something on ebay this morning by accepting bitcoins by night time that same bitcoin can be worth one third as much??) 3) Security.  Although bitcoin claims to be very secure by its encryption method but after all it is digital.  One thing I've learned as a IT person of many years that is : "nothing digital is ever secure!" Some examples would be : a. file corruption b. device failure (what if your computer were to crash or the backup device get stolen or destroyed?) c. worse case, if we get hit by electromagnetic pulse?(this is unlikely but I though...

Scammer Alert!??? Jsnip4

There's been flocks of "alternative" media followers on youtube selling doom and gloom to mislead the herd for personal gain.   A youtuber called himself "jsnip4" is at such.  Jsnip4 has been on youtube preaching economic collapse and to survive it you must put all your money on silver bullion or you won't survive the collapse.  This I believe con-man Jsnip4 aka "Joe" has been misleading people solely for personal gains from affiliates program from jmbullion and adsense.  Jsnip4 is very methodical about how he approaches his subscribers to do what he wants them to do.  Jsnip4's strategy has always been selling you the doom blah blah blah in the beginning and towards the end he will say things like "I don't know about you, but I am putting all my money in silver". I agree with Jsnip4 on buying silver bullion but he goes overboard by trying to sensationalize the idea and make people think that if they invest in silver bullion they...

I am done with the doom and gloom community!

Just like the title says, I am sooo done with the doom and gloom community!  I have been following these guys on youtube and what a sucker I have been!  I have been following sgtbull's channel, Jsnip4, alex jones, gerald celente, mike maloney and many others for many years and it's always been the same old thing they preach.  I come the the realization that I've been duped!  All these guys are doing on youtube is creating a demand for people to buy precious metal , survival gear, guns and etc etc... Personally I have bought Long term storage foods that taste like shit that i wouldn't feed it to my dogs and water storage etc etc....I even bought silver!  Good thing I've sold it all, silver had been holding my money hostage for the last 7 years when I needed money!  I sold it all to pay my debts that I should have been doing long time ago, instead of letting the interest accumulate. I am telling you guys, these guys on youtube are scammers , they are out ...


Bitcoins is a scam and I am speaking from experience! I am trying to warn people about it, save them from getting screwed over! If you want to invest in bitcoins you might as well throw your money away..because cryptsy dot com hijacks your account by not letting you in and everytime you try contacting support they tell you the same do reset blah blah blah and the results are always the same! Just FYI , I am very tecnhical savvy since this is what I do for a living so you can rest assure it wasn't because of my incompetence to follow technology! Plus they made sure you can't reach them because there's no support line!