Here's a list I've compiled about potential con-man that you might see on youtube:
1) Jsnip4 aka Joe
2) Max Keiser at keiser report.
3) Alex Jones
4) sgtbull07
These are some of the ones I can think of at the moment, I will add more to the list as I remember or find more.
These people on the list will preach end of the world till end of the world so beware of what you watch/hear. These people all follow the same format, they will preach doom and gloom and then somehow sneak items to buy in the video, (never fails)
One thing I've learned in life is : "nothing is free"
These people aren't there to help you, they are there to sell you a product.
To prevent scams, you always need to ask "one" fundamental question. What is this person's motive?
By asking this question will usually lead to your answer and will help you filter out "real" or "fake"
Another way to tell is to check their history. For example, someone that preaches to you about the same thing for year and years and nothing they say ever comes true. Of course sometimes they might get it right, it's like the concept of if you throw enough darts you bound to hit the bulls eye at some point.
I hope I have helped some of you with this info.
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