Flat earth? Really???? Recently I discovered this phenomenon on youtube called "flat earth" that is just absolutely absurd! I mean, I believe that we haven't been told the truth and that we have been conditioned to believe certain things but flat earth??? I believe they fabricated this absurdity purely have entertainment and views, nothing they say has any backing or makes any sense. I've posted the video and I'll let you decided.
There's been flocks of "alternative" media followers on youtube selling doom and gloom to mislead the herd for personal gain. A youtuber called himself "jsnip4" is at such. Jsnip4 has been on youtube preaching economic collapse and to survive it you must put all your money on silver bullion or you won't survive the collapse. This I believe con-man Jsnip4 aka "Joe" has been misleading people solely for personal gains from affiliates program from jmbullion and adsense. Jsnip4 is very methodical about how he approaches his subscribers to do what he wants them to do. Jsnip4's strategy has always been selling you the doom blah blah blah in the beginning and towards the end he will say things like "I don't know about you, but I am putting all my money in silver". I agree with Jsnip4 on buying silver bullion but he goes overboard by trying to sensationalize the idea and make people think that if they invest in silver bullion they...
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