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Showing posts from April, 2016

Silver set to go higher?

Is this guy for real? You be the judge.

Porter Stansberry Scam and Dr. Ron Paul bought into it!

I have to say with disappointment that one of my most admire and trusted political figure has betrayed his followers, Dr. Ron Paul. Recently I saw an ad on youtube claiming his dire warning for United States of America. In this video he goes on and on about how dire the economy is and of course towards the end Voila! Porter Stansberry scam! He has finally sold us out to Porter Stansberry! One of the biggest con artists in the doom and gloom community. Porter Stansberry has been profiting off of the prepper community for many years! You don't have to take my word for it, do your own research! It's a shame that Dr. Paul has gone to the dark side.

Hillary Clinton's new political tactics

Hillary Clinton is not fooling anyone with her new campaign tactics, she's using "UFO Disclosure". Like she cares anything about truth or anyone for that matter. Face it, she has two agenda as to why she's saying these things: 1) She understands that the American people value truth, so she's using this angle to appeal to Americans 2) This will make her look honest, so as a result it will also help with her many scandals in particular her email scandals.

Ted Cruz is Ineligible to be US president!

I don't know why there aren't enough people out there to raise the very question about Ted Cruz's eligibility to be US president. Ted Cruz is Canadian Cuban natural born and Per US constitution you need to be : The Constitution imposes three eligibility requirements on the Presidency—based on the officeholder's age, residency, and citizenship—that must be satisfied at the time of taking office. By virtue of the Twelfth Amendment, the qualifications for Vice President are the same. The Framers established these qualifications in order to increase the chances of electing a person of patriotism, judgment, and civic virtue. First, Presidents must be thirty-five years of age or older. In contrast, Senators must be at least thirty years old, and Representatives no less than twenty-five years old. As Justice Joseph Story has noted, the "character and talent" of a man in the middle age of life is "fully developed," and he has had the opportunity "for ...


Flat earth? Really???? Recently I discovered this phenomenon on youtube called "flat earth" that is just absolutely absurd! I mean, I believe that we haven't been told the truth and that we have been conditioned to believe certain things but flat earth??? I believe they fabricated this absurdity purely have entertainment and views, nothing they say has any backing or makes any sense. I've posted the video and I'll let you decided.

What's all this non-sense?

What is all the non-sense with all the illegal immigrants (Mexicans) coming in America in hordes and the government isn't doing anything about it? What is this open border policy? What do Americans have to gain from all of this non-sense? The bottom line is, the American government has long ago been infiltrated by special interest groups! This is the reason why the common legal citizens of United States of Corporation never had a choice! It's time to take America back! Vote for Donald J. Trump! You know something is wrong when you drive down the road at a stop light and you look to the left, right and behind and you realized you've been surrounded by Mexicans! Now, I don't say this to be racist but if you think about the founding of this country is based on diversity (melting pot), but this is anything but diversity! Wake up America! Mexicans have a plan to silently take over America! This is no joke! Vote for TRUMP and take back America!